LoRaWan sensors and devices
byNubian offers a number of unique indoor sensors and devices (such as a combined temperature, humidity, CO2 sensor) that communicate with our byNeuron cloud servers using LoRaWan.
For the hardware side we co-operate with the Dutch company Iotta who offers Sensing as a Service. Thanks to this co-operation, we can also offer a number of outdoor (rugged and waterproof) LoRaWan devices capable of sensoring about anything:
- Temperature
- Carbon monoxide/CO
- Methane/CH4
- Air pollutants 1: C6 H5 CH3, H2 S, CH3 CH2 OH, NH3, H2
- Air pollutants 2: C4 H10, CH3 CH2 OH, H2, CO, CH4
- Alcohol derivates: CH3 CH2 OH, H2, C4 H10, CO, CH4
- Humidity
- Atmospheric pressure
- Carbon dioxide/CO2
- Nitrogen dioxide/NO2
- Ozone/O3
- Hydrocarbons/VOC
- Oxygen/O2
- Carbon monoxide/CO
- Noise (dBA)
For more information and pricing you can contact Iotta @ info@iotta.nl.